11 Must-Read Resources for Filipino Domestic Workers in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is one of the top destinations for Filipinos who wish to work as Foreign Domestic Helpers (FDHs). There are several reasons for this. But some of the most important ones why Filipinos choose to work in this country is familiarity with the culture and the benefits they can get from working here.

If you are one of the thousands of Filipinos aiming to work in Hong Kong as a domestic helper, it’s crucial to understand the kind of work and environment that you will need to adapt to. This is where proper training and information-sharing play a crucial factor. Fortunately, the Hong Kong government is proactive and has established several guidelines as per the Labour Department and other relevant agencies.

11 Must-Read Resources for Filipino Foreign Domestic Workers in Hong Kong

Planning to Work as a Domestic Helper in Hong Kong? Here are Some Guides from the Labour Department

In this guide, we will share 11 resources for foreign domestic helpers and their employers, provided by Hong Kong’s Labour Department. Having access to this kind of information is the first step to equipping yourselves with the knowledge and means to make better and informed decisions, which ultimately, will help you enjoy a rewarding experience working as a domestic helper in Hong Kong. If you are planning to work here as one, then continue reading below.

Some of the most common issues addressed through these resources involve domestic helpers’ rights, the obligations of employers to their employees, the employment process and recruitment system observed in the country, legal support, health, and safety standards at work, and the do’s and don’ts for foreign domestic helpers, employers, and employment among others.

These resources come in several languages, but for this guide, we will share links that specifically address the Filipino community in Hong Kong.

(For Both Employers and Domestic Helpers)

  • Foreign domestic helpers’ rights and protection under the Employment Ordinance (EnglishFilipino) – This guidebook provides a quick reference on the rights and obligations of employers and employees in relation to the employment of domestic helpers from outside of Hong Kong.
  • Important notes for foreign domestic helpers and their employers when using the service of employment agencies in Hong Kong (English | Filipino) – This is a leaflet that provides essential information for employers when using the services of recruitment and employment agencies in Hong Kong.
  • The “Do’s and Don’ts” leaflet for foreign domestic helpers, employers and employment agencies (English | Filipino) – This resource provides the basic things employers and employees should and should not do when it comes to employing workers and working as a domestic helper in Hong Kong.
  • Important Information for Employers and Employees on Compensation for Work Injuries and Occupational Diseases (English | Filipino) – This material provides helpful information for domestic helpers’ needs and requirements for work-related and legal matters.
  • Safety requirements for cleaning outward-facing windows (English | Filipino) – This resource provides general guidelines related to occupation health and safety requirements and standards for both employers and their domestic helpers.

(For Domestic Helpers)

  • Carefully select your Employment Agencies – Beware of employment traps (English | Filipino) – this document offers some tips on what to look for and avoid when dealing with employment agencies in Hong Kong
  • Leaflet on integrated family services (English | Filipino) – this leaflet provides information for the domestic helper to use in case they need support in building family relations with their employer.
  • Leaflet on the crisis intervention and support services by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals CEASE Crisis Centre (English | Filipino) – this resource offers information to support the needs of domestic helpers who are also victims of sexual violence, abuse, and other forms of crises.

(For Employers)

  • Points to note for employers on the employment of foreign domestic helpers (English) – This document provides
  • Tips for Employers of Foreign Domestic Helpers – The responsibilities of taking out employees’ compensation insurance and providing free medical treatment (English) – this guide offers some tips on how employers can arrange compensation insurance and free medical treatment for their domestic helpers.
  • Underpaying foreign domestic helpers is a serious offense (English | Filipino) – this resource provides legal information on individuals who do not properly pay their employees.

Note: All of the resources shared in this guide were provided by Hong Kong’s Labour Department. You may reach out to them should you have any questions or concerns regarding the content they provided in the above resources shared.

ALSO READ: Here’s Where Domestic Helpers Can Seek Temporary Shelter in Hong Kong

As you can see, there are many aspects of domestic work here in Hong Kong that have been thoroughly discussed through these guides. This only shows that there are many things that you, as a foreign domestic helper, should learn about the job, regulations, culture, and the people of Hong Kong. And since working here will require you to finish a contract for at least two years, you can’t do any better than by equipping yourself of all the relevant knowledge related to your work and stay here in Hong Kong.

Every foreign domestic helper aims to find a good workplace, a helpful employer, and nurturing community to help them thrive as a resident in Hong Kong. However, there will always be some challenges along the way. For this reason, preparation and training will be crucial to your success as an FDH here in Hong Kong. By getting to know most of these things, you can better equip yourself with the right information and connections to make the right decisions when the situation calls for it, such as those affecting your employment and your rights as a resident of Hong Kong.

What are some of the issues that you have encountered while working here in Hong Kong? How have these affected your experience of working and staying here in Hong Kong? And if it is your first time, what are some aspects of the job that you would like to learn more about or prepare for? Are there other resources that you would like to add or request to be included in this guide? Let us know by leaving a comment in the section below.

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