More often than not, we associate the term ‘exclusivity’ to privilege and special treatment. But it’s 2018, and apparently the more valued term nowadays is ‘inclusivity’. This is just what Hong Kong’s Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung proved last December 17 (Monday), when he officiated the opening ceremony of an inclusive playground in Tuen Mun Park as shared in a post by
If you’re wondering why this is important, inclusivity means “no one gets left behind.” Imagine what this would mean if our kids grew up to become compassionate and empathetic individuals, and then eventually become professionals and leaders. That’s just the vision, but as adults – parents and guardians (nannies), we also need to teach them about this important value in life, and we have to start them young.

Take the Kids Outside and Learn about Inclusivity in the Playground
The Leisure & Cultural Services Department and the Architectural Services Department worked together in a project to develop a playground under a pilot scheme incorporating the winning concepts of the Inclusive Play Space Design Ideas Competition.
Speaking for where the government stands in this endeavour, Mr Cheung highlighted that the Hong Kong government holds great importance for the children’s physical and mental development.
Mr Cheung noted that the playground is the first barrier-free play space for children in Hong Kong. The playground, he added, integrates two natural elements into the design – water and sand.
The place offers diverse inclusive play facilities which not only offer children of all ages an equal opportunity to play and interact, but also inspire them to use their imagination and apply their creativity through interaction while enjoying the fun of playing.
The government will progressively inject more dynamic and interactive elements into children’s playgrounds to further enrich and enhance every child’s play experience, Mr Cheung explained.
The playground was opened to the public since December 3. Parents and guardians can bring the kids out especially during school vacation to enjoy this new kind of experience they can learn from, as well.