You know someone means business when there isn’t any special treatment given to people you would normally think would be considered or spared from this kind of enforcement – which is just the type of man the Filipino president, Rodrigo Duterte is.
Other than his own platform and principles as the Chief Executive of our country, he also acknowledges his scope of authority and places his respect to the governments and the legal system under which our OFWs are covered by.

Duterte to OFWs: No Help for Drug-Related Crimes Committed
Filipinos who commit crimes overseas could not expect special assistance by the Duterte administration, especially those cases which involve illegal drugs, as shared in a report by the Sun.
In his speech at an assembly of barangay leaders in Pasay City last Monday (February 25), President Duterte warned all Filipinos outside the country to not be involved in such crimes as this could cost them their lives. In his usual stern words: “Do not (commit) crimes, your crimes in other countries. I cannot help you and I won’t help you. Remember that.”
The president’s announcement came after rumours flew thick in Manila that death-row inmate Mary Jane Veloso had been executed in Indonesia. However, Indonesia’s Attorney General’s Office (AGO) has denied the rumours.
Veloso was sentenced to death penalty by the Sleman District Court in Yogyakarta in 2010 after 2.6 kg of heroin has been found hidden in her luggage at the Adisutjipto International Airport.
Veloso was set to be included in the series of executions in April 2015, but was granted a last-minute reprieve after a woman came forward and admitted that she had tricked Veloso into smuggling drugs to Indonesia.
While the warning goes out to all Filipinos overseas who have been involved in criminal activities, Duterte also warned foreigners in the Philippines that they would not be spared if they bring in illegal drugs in the country.