HK Clinic Charges US Nationals 25% ‘Tariff’ for Services Offered

The recent trade wars happening between China and the US have had stakeholders getting involved in their own ways wherever they may be in the world. What this implies in the greater scheme of things may be yet unknown to those who may be directly involved, but apparently both sides are yet to bow down from the other.

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US President Donald Trump’s bold announcement to impose 25% tariff on China’s 250-billion dollar worth of goods and products has drawn backlash from industry experts as well as triggered nationals’ responses, as in the case of a Chinese national who runs a bone-setting clinic in Hong Kong.

Clinic in Hong Kong Charges US Nationals 25% ‘Tariff’ for Services Offered
Credits: Facebook

Hong Kong Clinic Imposes 25% Tariff on Americans for Services Offered

The Chinese national who runs a bone-setting clinic in Hong Kong hung a banner outside which says American tourists would be charged a 25% “tariff,” as shared in a report by the Asia Times.

The viral photo shows a big red banner with a white slogan in Chinese saying the clinic requires that American tourists pay a 25% tariff, and that if this causes them any inconvenience, they should take the matter up with the US consulate.

The owner of the clinic, identified as Heung Kwok-shingm, expressed disapproval of the US’ decision to place tariff on Chinese goods entering the country, and went on to explain that as a Chinese himself, he has to stand up to support his own country, and that there is no reason for him to be siding with the Americans when it is his country that’s being slighted.

Also, Heung added that he would only be taking down the banner once the US scraps the tariffs or strikes a deal with China.

Heung, who has the support of his neighbours, pointed out that he would not actually ask his customers their nationality or ask to see their passport.

When asked if he had actually entertained any inquiries from American tourists about the additional charges, he replied that he had not had any patients from the US.

Despite its far-fetched effects on other nationalities aside from Americans, this piece of news is an eye-opener to the extent of racial discrimination and world politics happening today. Taking one’s side may spark conflict even among nationalities who are not directly involved in the issue being dealt with by the US and China at the moment. The best thing to do for now is to wait it out and cause no further trouble between involved parties, as this would not have any positive effect especially from outside the regions of where the matter is actually being dealt with.

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